And to think I just WALKED ON HIS FACE!

  • Post last modified:Thursday, March 25th, 2010
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Good lord! I just watched Sherlock Holmes battle the Nazis!

He was certainly spry for his age! He didn’t look much the worse for his fifty lost years or so. Nor, for that matter, did Watson or Inspector Lestrade. Moriarty, of course, was the one operating on the side of the Nazis. He also looked reasonably well, considering.


Odds Bodkins, even!

When did Holmes become an action-packed master of disguise, anyway?

I’m going to have to go back to sleep, now.

Did I mention (and I didn’t) that I finished up everything there was to do in the first, normal-mode quest in Aria of Sorrow? Every soul; every item (at least one copy). Am now starting hard mode, with all of the items and souls from last time around. It’s going… more quickly now. I fear that I might not make it to as high a level as last time (that being around 75, with all of the wandering and whathow). It seems that the clock is still going even through this second quest. It’s now at around 18:30, I believe.

… Sounds like a good time for a nap!